Product Defect Lawyers

Product liability is an area of law that aims to protect consumers from actual or potential hazardous andc dangerous products. When a consumer is harmed by a defective product, our seasoned product liability lawyer can advise the person injured on any claim or cause of action against the responsible party.

Defects may occur due to poor workmanship, bad packaging, careless assembly, faulty design, or even a failure to warn of hidden risks or harmful consequences if the product is confusing to use and used improperly.

Liability for a harmful product may rest on the shoulders of those in its distribution chain (Supplier, Seller, or Manufacturer). A product must meet ordinary expectations by those who purchase it. The plaintiff, must show that the product that caused the injury was defective and that defect caused the product to be unreasonably dangerous or unsafe in its use, causing injury. Liability is generally categorized by three types:

  • Design Defects
  • Manufacturing Defects
  • Marketing Defects
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